Fractional vaults

With fractionalization of NFTs, holders can create their own DAOs, divide rewards to their network, spread wealth across their strongest supporters and work together to accumulate wealth.

Guilds can build multi-asset vaults to optimize capital efficiency and manage their DAO treasury more democratically, while individual players may accumulate massive amounts of assets and wealth with the buying power of their community.

Fractional Vaults also allow for the most scarce and rarest assets of the game to be owned by many. For instance, if a DAO acquires a Domain Territory it can vault the Domain Territory and distribute shares to all members.

Players can also form alliances around Vaults - a vault that all players from this area may own a stake in and which carries a large accumulation of territories. We believe in the power of DAOs and will act to provide the foundation of creating a decentralized platform where the players own and decide on the future together.

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