Introduction & Vision

We are at the dawn of digital property rights and non-fungible tokens. NFTs emerged as early as 2016, with projects like Age of Chains and Rare Pepes using Bitcoin to create blockchain trading cards. These early experiments morphed into larger projects during the halcyon days of 2017 and 2018. In particular, the launch of CryptoKitties seemed to capture lightning in a bottle with its potent mix of cat memes and an enthused and ever-expanding community. Now the internet was ready and eager for whatever was next. NFTs went from simple ownables to bona-fide collectibles overnight. The rise and frenzy of collectors, memelords and internet aficionados proved that NFTs are here to stay. NFTs have since evolved far beyond these early experiments. Millions of dollars are being commissioned to artists through platforms like SupeRare and OpenSea. More recently we’ve been seeing the emergence of next-generation NFTs and platforms, expanding into digital art and land purchasing. We’re beginning to see NFTs intersect with trends in DeFi (like Aavegotchi, MEME, and WHALE), and also serve as the bedrock for next-generation gaming platforms and the emerging metaverse. Decentraland and Cryptovoxels are both great examples that serve flashing glimmers into worlds that we could earlier only see visualized in science fiction films like Ready Player One. Today, we’re at a turning point in the application of NFTs. One where we can carve out robust property rights in the digital realm in a way that mirrors the real world. Trillions of dollars of intellectual property and data rights, along with billions of dollars of art and other entertainment value could one day be managed by a blockchain. Planet IX is at the forefront of a revolution in the virtual land strategy development space. It provides tools to decentralize and empower the gaming community, while also helping individuals use their passion and skill to play and build businesses. Blurring the lines between the digital and the physical world, we and the players redefine the term reality again and again.

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