
Governance is at the very core of web3 innovation. Enabling global, decentralized, trustless governance is a feature blockchain applications need to use and promote. For this, PlanetIX is building an in-game governance portal and is actively educating and onboarding its players to web3 governance. Therefore, a game genesis DAO will be created: The PlanetIX DAO. After successfully bootstrapping the game economy and the community, the Nibiru Team will seek to establish democratic governance structures and decentralized decision making in all aspects of the development of PlanetIX, to effectively hand over ownership and governance to the players and the holders of IXT. The PlanetIX DAO will be the first governmental body taking hold of the game after the initial set up. Through the in-game governance portal, players and team members will be able to make proposals and submit ideas and recommendations for the future of PlanetIX. Through on-chain voting mechanisms, players will be able to guide the games narrative, development and growth. In the future, the ‘players-network’ will organize and strategize to set up new smaller DAOs, purpose specific DAOs and potentially even locally defined DAOs to work in cooperation with the PlanetIX DAO to achieve certain goals and implement specific strategies and generally develop and grow all aspects of the game in a mutually beneficial way for all contributors. Besides, every in-game corporation will also have their own governance tokens called ‘MetaShares’. Some of these MetaShares are already out on the market, the rest will be distributed through sales, airdrops or in-game events the following year. By owning a MetaShare of an in-game corporation, the player will act as a shareholder of that corporation. What this means is that the MetaShare owners will participate in governance votes on any changes proposed to the structure of the corporation as well as earn a dividend share in the earnings of that in-game corporation. In the future, led by the PlanetIX DAO, a vast number of sub DAOs will form alliances and strategies to push the game development to the next frontier in online gaming: an open Metaverse. We envision a world where a cluster of purpose specific DAOs form guild-like organizations that take ownership in PlanetIX and its many moving parts, through vote delegations and other strategic features.

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