Seasonal approach

Our seasons on Planet IX, can be seen as eras. They are not set or planned to a schedule. Season 1 (Waters of Genesis) could last up to a year or two, and the following seasons may just be a couple of months long. Instead of being based on climate and environment, the shifting of the seasons will be based on and affected by the progress of the agents as a collective, and on the restoration of the planet as a whole.

The first season in the Planet IX story is Waters of Genesis. It includes all of the first editions of NFTs that are part of the extensive collections that Planet IX will deliver.

The first season, as the story suggested, has left the planet with no life. No fauna or animals exist. The earth is barren. Wastelands. The air is trafficked by thick carbon ash. Oil spills cover the seas. Landfill and debris of past human civilizations are abundant. Forests burned. Cities are broken. The remaining relics of the past lay dormant and ready to be discovered. What remains in the meters of waste covering the surface? What can be found? What was not lost?

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